Worker Info
View available WORKER shifts here
Log-in to your WORKER account here
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Please consider joining us as a worker!
How do we THANK our workers?
With an event of this size, we require lots of workers to help everything run smoothly.
Tasks workers are asked to help with may include: Setting up racks, sorting clothes, assisting shoppers, helping with check-out, etc.
- Workers who work ONE 4-hour shift receive a pass to enter and shop the Volunteer Pre-sale THIRD and earn 70% of their sold items.
- Workers who work TWO 4-hour shifts receive a pass to enter and shop the Volunteer Pre-sale SECOND and earn 75% of their sold items.
- Workers who work THREE 4-hour shifts receive a pass to enter and shop the Worker Pre-sale FIRST and earn 75% of their sold items.
- Workers who work TWO 4-hour shifts receive a pass to enter and shop the Volunteer Pre-sale SECOND and earn 75% of their sold items.
- ALL Workers also receive a pass to enter and shop the 50% off pre-sale before we open to the public.
NOTE: Workers that do not fulfill their shift obligations (or send a comparable replacement (a husband, friend, etc) in their place) forfeit their right to participate as a worker in the future. When committing to a work shift, please consider the benefits you are receiving in exchange for your work time, as well as the importance of following through. We are really depending on you! Thank you!!
*** Please leave the kids at home when you come to fulfill your shift obligation. We are unable to provide childcare, and you won’t be in a position to supervise them while working.
SUGGESTION: We have many workers that team up with a friend: One watches the kids while the other works a shift – and vice versa. It works out great and they each earn a pass so they can have fun shopping the presale together!
A small number of “Super Workers” work a minimum of SIX 4-hour shifts and shop before the Worker Presale starts. (Super Workers program by invitation only.)